We’ve taken pictures of all the things that are funny or interesting around us, see if you can guess what they are! The answers will come out soon. Type in your answers through the comments bar at the bottom.
P1 What are these being used for?
P2 What is this? (Clue: who lives here?)
P3 Where is Mowzer?
P4 What are these plants and what do we use them for?
P5 What is this tree?
P6 What is this plant and who is growing it?
P7 What is this the start of? (Clue: what are these bricks going to be used for?)
P8 Who do these chicks belong to? (Clue: The answer is not their mother)
P9 What use was this of when we got stuck in the mud on the way to school?
P10 Why do these come hurtling past our house every morning and at what time do they start?
P11 Where is Mowzer and where has she been?