Look who we found in our garden the other day! Isn't he cute! He's a pygmy desert hedgehog. After showing it to all our neighbours we considered keeping it as a pet with Braveheart (our tortoise) who has quite a large area. In the end we decided not to, thinking that he might actually be female and have children to look after hidden away somewhere....
At the moment, we are both very busy with school work. Next week Ruth is doing the BAC blanc (mock exams), there will be 6 written exams: philosophy, economy, maths, history/geography, english and Spanish and has 2 orals the week after in english (I guess that will go well) and in spanish. I only have one written in french on Friday and an oral in a few weeks. I'm also trying to get my project on solar energy in Chad finished in time for the next holidays! I made the tyre solar cooker that you can see in the picture (on the left) with my friends and we've been to visit the centre of the company which made the other one next to it (PROMOSOL, a swiss/tchadian organisation).
Thankfully the heat has come back so I can carry out all my experiments properly! It is still quite cold at night though as we discovered a few nights ago, waking up shivering after thinking we'd be fine without covers.
Just one last thing yesterday Ruth found out that she's has got an offer from Liverpool Hope University to study Theology and Religious Studies! We're very excited and hoping to hear from the other three (York St John's, Exeter and Chester) soon!
Hope you are all well, love Ruth and Rebecca
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